Founded in 2015, the Kokomo Beautiful initiative invites residents and organizations in Howard County to take ownership of our community by planting flowers and maintaining public garden areas. An initiative of the Greater Kokomo Economic Development Alliance, this campaign is made possible through partnerships with the City of Kokomo, Lybrook Landscaping, Backyard Gardeners, Howard County, Wildcat Guardians, Howard County Stormwater District, Discover Howard County Trails and Sunbelt Rentals.
This year’s Keep Kokomo Beautiful campaign will include one event in April and two in May. Susan Alexander, the Alliance’s manager of downtown creative placemaking, encourages advocacy groups, teams from businesses and organizations, and families and individuals to participate in the events.
The 2025 campaign kicks off Thursday, April 3 with flower basket planting at Lybrook Landscaping, 4476 S. 00 East-West, Kokomo. The plantings will be done in two sessions, from 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. The planting resumes in May as volunteers will gather for two workdays. First up will be annual planting at the City Hall Gazebo, 100 S. Union St., from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, May 10. Then, from 1 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 14, volunteers will plant the downtown container and alley gardens, meeting on the Courthouse Square at the corner of Main and Sycamore streets.
All three events are free and open to the public. Participants are encouraged to bring along work gloves, knee pads and their favorite gardening tools to each event.
To volunteer or learn more about this initiative, visit here.
The annual Strawberry Festival is made possible thanks to our incredible volunteers. Each year, volunteers help set up, serve strawberry shortcake, clean tables and tear down after the festival. This great community festival would not be possible without individuals and organizations lending a hand to make this event a success. Learn more about the festival here.
This year’s festival will be Friday, June 6, 2025 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Volunteer sign-ups are happening now. Register as a volunteer here.
Vendor applications are also now available. Check it out here.