Revitalization through art
The Kokomo Art Association and the Greater Kokomo Downtown Association worked together with other Kokomo businesses and organizations on an alley revitalization project in downtown Kokomo called Artist Alley.
The once-dark, forgotten alley between the county building and the Kokomo Art Association Artworks Gallery has materialize into an outdoor art gallery to enliven the downtown landscape. The creation of this alley has generated a dynamic visual experience for residents and visitors, created more venues for artwork in Kokomo, increased exposure and opportunities for artists who live and work in and around this region, educated the public about public art by stimulating discussion, provided a cultural draw for tourists and provided entrée for artists new to public art.
Artist Alley has provided a lighted space for mounted murals and sculptures to be featured. These efforts introduce high quality artistry in areas of high visibility. The industrial theme creates a connection to the rich industrial heritage of this community while adding an aesthetically pleasing environment for residents, workers, and visitors. Increased pedestrian activity in the downtown area is promoting economic growth for merchants and property owners in the adjacent properties.